Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Personal Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1825

Vermillion Township

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1825

* Vermillion Township later became part of Ashland County.

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR, the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Personal Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Ausbun, Aaron Alison, Robert Amarine, Margaret Arnold, Samuel
Baird, Joseph D. Baker, Zebedee Bushnell, Starling G. Baird, James
Bowen, David Boulter, Lemuel Burns, James Beck, Daniel
Brown, John Baker, Nathaniel Baker, Zechariah Bushnell, Colance
Black, William Black, john Brian, Joseph Conwelly, Nicholas
Core, John Coal, Solomon Critchell, Jonathan Claton, John
Curry, John Cunningham, Robert Carpenter, Robert Coal, John
Dawson, Joseph Draggoo, Frederick Draggoo, John Dwire, William
Dotton, Edward Bekley, Ephraim Emory, David Ensign, Linus
Eichinger, Frederick Eshelbarger, Jacob Echelbarger, Goodpay Echelbarger, George
Ewing, George _ockley, Peter _eckley, George Eighinger, Phillip
Eighinger, Christopher _ley, Hugh Friend, George Finley, Robert
Finley, Eli Friend, Phillip Gray, Henry _mbaugh, Michael
Gribon, Henry Gaudy, William Hays, Linus Harvourd, John
Henderson, Samuel Hall, James Henderson, Charles Harvey, William
Harvey, Thomas Howard, John Hull, Reuben Harmon, Samuel
Harper, John Hush, George Harper, William Hagerman, Isaac
Highland, Edward Hancock, Micagi Harvey, William Harpter, Henry
Hales, Joel Hush, Margaret Hulinger, Tobias Hazlett, ____
Hemphill, James Hullinger, Jacob Johnston, Uriah Jackman, Robert
Johnston, Abraham Johnston, John Johnston, John Jr. Jackman, Richard
Jarvice, William Johnston, Thomas Jacobs, Elizabeth W. James, William
Kelly, Aaron Kied, Peter King, George King, John
Kimbels, Squire Kirk, James Karnaghan, William Kirk, John
Kastator, Sebastian Lemons, William Liston, Edward Matthews, David
McLaughlin, William McRory, William Moore, George McRory, John
Musgrove, Joseph McLuer, George McBride, Alexander Matthews, Jacob
Metcalf, Masom Neely, William Purdy, Peter M. Purdy, Gilbert
Potts, Joshua Potts, John Polance, Isaac Porter, John
Porter, Daniel Palmer, Armilla Reed, William Ruth, Henry
Richmond, David Roe, Thomas Ryland, William Reed, Jacob W.
Reed, Jacob Robeson, William Smith, Stephen Sriver, George
Stewart, Charles Stout, Zebedee Strickland, Nathaniel Strickland, Mahlon
Strickland, Joseph Strickland, Joseph Jr. Stafford, Nathan Zigler, Henry
Zigler, Michael Spitler, William Sickman, Achilles Stoll, John
Scott, John Scott, William Thompson, William Tudor, Benjamin
Updegraff, Solomon Vanguilder, Peter Vanguilder, John Vail, Isaac
Vail, Jacob Vanzile, Thomas Wilson, John Workman, Joseph
Wise, Jacob Williams, Joseph Watson, john Watson, William
Wellington, James Watson, William Williams, Robert Walters, Robert

reference number = 1825 / 8312-8317

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